Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Wild Hypothesis- Simulation of Life

Source: Self
Genre: Science / Science-fiction

Don't miss the parts with the headings - "The paradox" and "The Question"

Let's consider a point in time when human race has reached a superstate, by which i mean there couldn't be any further improvement in terms of technological infrastructure. what could be a question which might still be left unanswered?

A decent prediction would be the question about 'The future'.Estimating it precisely and giving a systematic approach which can calculate it.

Now, Given enough technological power to deal with this question, Simulation could be an answer to this. Because, if you create an exact scenario as it was in the past; and running the simulated world in time faster than our real world time (like 100 years in simulated world happen in just one sec or less in our real world), we can come across all the evolution phases, life has come across precisely.

C0nstant validation of solution:
We can even validate this model because, given the model we've created at the t=0 is 100% accurate, it should follow that the process happening in simulated world after some time should reflect at least conceptually what we as humans have experienced. If we find that simulated model doesn't correlate with actual world process at any point of time, we may decide we've started out with wrong initial conditions(but since our assumption is that we have the ultimate technological prowess, the possibility of going wrong here is not considered).

The paradox:
Now with this model running successfully, and pace of simulation set at a rate such that all of the evolutioin of life in simulated world happens in single realworld day (which might actually take billions of billions of years in simulated world), the creators of simulation should be able to see what exactly has happened to human race in the how it evolved from whatever it started out with;

Suppose, that there are a N number of humans who were involved in this simulation project; sticking to the accuracy of the simulation model, it is a must that the N scientists should be able to see within the simulated world - some N number of scientists trying to simulate a new world with their intention too being- "to predict and define systemactially the future of their world".

The question:
Now the question is, how could the real world N scientists and all the humans in the real world say they are actually real?, according to model they have created, they have clearly proved that the ultimate endeavour of the people of simulated world is to find their future course and for that they have resorted to a "simulation", which should prove that we the real world humans ourselves should be a part of simulation run by a higher level world which is trying to find it's own future. !!!!

According to this concept, i wouldn't hesitate to say that in any point in the time in the future, if humans are able to acquire the capability to simulate the real world on such a scale that they can see the simulation of life running exactly as expected, it might be a irrefutable truth that there exists a world on a level higher than us, the people of which are simulating our human world to seek the answers about their own future.

Now in the above concept i've assumed the ultimate endeavour of humans is to know their future. Even by replacing this question by any other important and hard question the hypothesis still holds.

All the efforts to refute the above theory are most welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
